All scores and parts are available for purchase or rental
in digital or printed copies, from the composer.
Cello Concerto (2020) 20' Cello Solo 0000/1000/perc/strings
commissioned by the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra for cello soloist Ariel Barnes
Premiered in February 2020
Confluence (2019) 12' Orchestra and film 2222/4031/T+1/str
Collaboration with Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) - Acadian - Irish artist Lindsay Dobbin
commissioned by the Victoria Symphony with assistance from the Hugh Davidson Fund
Premiered in November 2019
Trumpet Concerto (2018) 16' Trumpet Solo 2222/4220/T+2/str
commissioned by the Victoria Symphony with assistance from the Hugh Davidson Fund
Premiered in November 2018 by the Victoria Symphony and principal trumpet Ryan Cole
Violin Concerto (2018) 26' Violin Solo 2222/4230/T+2/str
commissioned by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
premiered by Violin Soloist Rachel Barton Pine, the Vancouver Symphony, and Maestro Bramwell Tovey in January 2018
Spooky Action at a Distance (2017) 12' 2222/4231/T+2/str
commissioned by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
premiered by the Vancouver Symphony and Maestro Bramwell Tovey in February 2017
Regenerations (2016) 13' 2222/4231/T+2/str
commissioned by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
premiered by the Vancouver Symphony and Maestro Bramwell Tovey in February, 2016
Taaliniq (2015) 13' 2222/4231/T+2/str
Premiered May 2015 by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Kaziyoshi Akiyama conducting
Wind, Sand and Stars (2014) 12’ 2222/4231/T+2/str
Premiered at the January 2015 Vancouver Symphony New Music Festival, Bramwell Tovey conducting
Mysteries Of Before And Beyond (2010) 11’ 2222/4231/T+2/str
Commissioned by the Victoria Symphony with assistance from the BC Arts Council.
Premiered December 6, 2010, Music Director Tania Miller conducting
Aurora Spiritus (2010) 6’ 2222/4321/T+1/str
Commissioned by the NY State All-County Orchestra, Seneca Falls, NY
Premiered January 2011
I Send Only Angels (2007) 12’ 2222/4231/T+2,pno/str
Performances by: l’Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Victoria Symphony,
Okanagan Symphony, Vancouver Academy of Music, National Youth Orchestra of Canada on 2011 National Tour
Commissioned and premiered by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, February 2007
Stay On the Sea (2005) 7’ 2222/0000/str
Premiered by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, March 2005.
My End is My Beginning (2004) 8’ 3332/4231/T+2,pno/str
Premiered by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, February 2004.
Angels (2004) 6’ 2222/2200/1 perc/str
Premiered by the Victoria Symphony Orchestra, March 2004.
Chamber Ensemble
Confluence (2019) 12' ensemble and film 1111/1010/perc/str
Collaboration with Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) - Acadian - Irish artist Lindsay Dobbin
commissioned by the Aventa Enesemble
Premiered in November 2019
Pool of Lost Grooves (2019) 13' Flute, Clarinet, Percussion, Piano, Violin, Cello
Commissioned by the Vancouver Symphony for Standing Wave Ensemble
Premiered at the 2019 Vancouver Symphony New Music Festival
Three Wings (2016) 14’ String Quartet
Commissioned by Elizabeth Bell for the Archytas String Quartet
premiered in May 2016 in Vancouver BC, on the Music on Main concert series
Allaqi (2009) 13’ String Quartet
Commissioned for the St. Lawrence String Quartet’s 20th Anniversary by
Chamber Music Kelowna to celebrate CMK's thirtieth anniversary and by CBC Radio.
Under Revision, 2020
Raven Tales (2012) 20’ and 10' versions Fl, Cl, Perc, Pno, Vln, Vcl
Commissioned by Standing Wave Ensemble
written in collaboration with Nisga'a artist Mike Dangeli
Performed at 2014 VSO New Music Festival
Wind, Sand, and Stars (2011) 16’ String Trio
Commissioned by Trio Accord
Huracan (2011) 10’ Fl, Hn, Vln, Vla, Pno,
Commissioned by Chamber Music Kelowna
Unio Mystica (2008) 22’ Violin, Horn, Piano
I Les Apparitions
II Les Etoiles Melancholiques
III L’Espace
Commissioned by the Aventa Ensemble with assistance from the British Columbia Arts Council.
Melancholia (2008) 3’ String Quartet
Commissioned by the Quiring Chamber Music Camp
for the tenth anniversary of its youth chamber music program
Converging Lines (2007) 3’ Trumpet quartet
Premiered in June, 2006 at the Symphony Orchestra Academy of the Pacific in Powell River, BC
Voices Rising (2006) 8’ 1110/0010/perc,pno/vln,vcl,cb
Premiered by the Turning Point Ensemble March, 2006 and broadcast on CBC Radio.
Desolation Sounds (2005) 7’ Trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba
Premiered by members of the Chicago and Vancouver Symphonies
Stay On the Sea (2004) 7’ String trio with poem
Premiered by the Quiring Chamber Players, July 2004.
Exothermic (2003) 8’ Trumpet, violin, cello, piano
Premiered by Quiring Chamber Players, July, 2003
Performed by Standing Wave Ensemble, November 2003.
Millennia Music (2002) 11’ Brass quintet
Premiered by Vancouver Symphony Brass Quintet, September, 2003 Broadcast on CBC Radio.
String Quartet No 1 (2002) 7’
Supernovas Collide (2001) 7’ Brass Ensemble (4331)
Premiered by Vancouver Brass Choir, February 2001.
This Innocent Soul (2009) 6’ Mens Choir (TTBB), Trumpet
Commissioned by Chor Leoni, director Diane Loomer
text: Jumah al Dossari, Guantanamo Bay Detainee
Dónde Está El Niño (2008) 5’ SATB a capella
text: Pablo Neruda
A Wind Has Blown The Rain Away (1997) 5’ Soprano, trumpet, piano
text: E.E. Cummings
One This Snowflake (1995) 4’ Baritone and string quartet
The Silken Tent (1994) 4’ Soprano, flute, harp
Electro-acoustic Works
Solus (2017) 8’ Solo Trumpet, live electronics
Ancestral Voice (2014) 7’ Solo Trumpet, live electronics
Rohr (2013) 6’ Solo Trumpet, live electronics
Lullaby (2010) 6’ Solo Trumpet, live electronics
text: poem by Marcus Goddard
SoLo (2010) 6’ Solo Trumpet, live electronics
text: excerpt of Voltaire’s Poem On The Lisbon Disaster
Ascending (2009) 7’ Solo Trumpet, live electronics
Viola Song (2008) 3’ Voice, live electronics, samples
Trumpet Song (2008) 4’ Sampled sounds, voice
Film Score
Breakfast at Sharkey’s (2001) 10’